Mosport: Cuau «Cato» Batista in the 2013 Ferrari Track Day
Our dear Cato, besides a good history teller has decided to share with us another of his talents: photography. To have a better idea of what is like to be the in his enviable position of riding shotgun he shares his comments from different sectors as he laps the Mosport circuit.
Exiting the narrow pitlane. The 328GTS will be devoured before the top of the hill. On a flying lap you hit 200kph by the summit. Braking point is critical because the road disappears to the left under the bridge.At the limit. Joe’s concentration is evident as the G-force pushes his body against the seat, his eyes fixed in the apex at the exit of corner 2. Did I mention that the rear seats of the FF are extremely comfortable?Surrounded by clouds, literally, in the “Moss’ corners”. The FF’s crystal sunroof takes the entire roof of the car to give its occupants an airy, more comfortable feeling.The drop to corner 5b is very violent as shown by the vertical line of the trees in the background. The steering angle at this speed is considerably punishing the tires.Just a moment ago we got into the “Andretti Straight” and Joe is already in 5th gear setting the car for corner 6 behind the rise. His gloves gently gripping the steering wheel. The faster you go the more relax and smooth you have to be. Easier said than done…Acceleration is brutal, relentless in each gear. Here Joe aims for corner’s 7 apex with his foot hard on the floor; the GTO didn’t even reach the red line in 5th by the end of the straight, by then we were topping 250kph. The Ferrari was dancing on the limit of its grip fighting to scrape off speed down to the 140kph demanded the late apex of corner 8.
Sharing the spotlight with the ‘pure breed’ competition cars, the big difference is that these are completely civilized. The trunk has plenty of room for our gear, coolers, folding chairs, umbrellas. After each stint the hood is opened to cool down the huge V12’s -6.3L aluminum block.